Atlantic Cod
31 May 2019Blog
The Atlantic cod is appreciated worldwide for its juicy and white flesh, its mild flavour and its versatility in the kitchen. This is what makes it a local favourite on our Gold Coast fish and chips menu. The Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) is one of the most well-known fish around the world and is appreciated for ... Read more
25 May 2019Blog
The word calamari comes from the Italian word for “squid.” This is where the name of the popular appetizer on many Italian and Australian seafood restaurants comes from. There are even a few spin-off versions of this dish, such as the Asian “salt and pepper fried squid” found on many bar menus. While many Mediterranean ... Read more
25 May 2019Blog
Hoki are caught year-round with the main season being June to September, particularly off the West Coast of New Zealand. Hoki generally live beyond the shelf edge and are most abundant between 300 to 600 metres. Adult fish have been found at depths from 50 metres down to 900 metres. The juveniles often live in ... Read more
Blue Eye Trevalla
25 May 2019Blog
Blue Eye Trevalla (often referred to, incorrectly, as Blue Eye Cod) are one of the most highly prized table fish in the country! Not to be confused with Trevally, the Blue Eye’s firm white flesh is moist and tender, making the Trevalla not only one of the finest tasting fish in our oceans but also ... Read more
Orange Roughy / Deep Sea Perch
11 May 2019Blog
The Orange Roughy is a predatory species that lives on deep seamounts (undersea mountains) in most ocean basins around the world. This species, also known as the Atlantic Roughy, is one of the longest living marine fish species, with individuals living for more than 100 years. Orange Roughy is Wild Caught in Australian and is also Imported from ... Read more
Beef Works Burger
11 May 2019Menu
Where can you get the biggest, baddest, most scrumdiddlyumptious burgers on the Gold Coast? Mudgeeraba Seafoods on School Street! That’s Where!! That’s where you can check out the Biggest, Baddest, most Scrumdiddlyumptious burger of them all. THE MUDGEE WORKS BURGER! With 150grams of super prime Black Angus ground beef, sautéed onions, smokey cheddar, oozing egg, ... Read more
Our Cooking Oil
11 May 2019Blog
Oils ain’t oil – the fact is that most Fish & Chip shops cook with beef based fats & oils. however Mudgeeraba Seafoods use only Cottonseed Oils – which are Gluten Free and Cholesterol free. COTTONSEED OIL is made in Australia from local and imported ingredients, The oil is a heavy- duty with a neutral ... Read more
Calamari Curls
11 May 2019Menu
Calamari Curls are unique to Mudgeeraba Seafoods. There is a lot of preparation to keep these delightful curly creations soft and exciting to the pallet. Our Calamari Curls are marinated over night in secrets, then lightly crumbed before being deep fried in Cottonseed Oil. Our customers report that they have never experienced Calamari like ours! ... Read more
Fish & Chips
21 April 2019Menu
We’ve introduced thousands of people to the unique taste of our New Zealand Hoki fish and chips which can be served battered, crumbed or grilled with herb and garlic butter or cooked to suit your dietary requirements. But what makes our “battered” fish and chips so good? And what can be said about the luxuriousness ... Read more
Critter Burger
21 April 2019Menu
Well! A Critter Burger could be anything really! It could be a Star Fish or Sea Anomie , or perhaps a Fortescue (no no nope!) A rabbit, Possum, Drop Bear or just about anything the mind could dream up………but mostly we use our delicious Calamari Curls which are prepared with love, marinated in secrets, lightly ... Read more
Old Style English Milkshakes
21 April 2019Menu
Our Old Style Milkshakes and Thick Shakes are all made using Full Cream Local Milk from Melany Dairies. Available in an eclectic selection of amazing flavours including Chocolate, Caramel, Vanilla, Strawberry, Lime, Spearmint and Banana – all with chunks of our special Ice Cream. Our shakes are so delightful that our customers speak of sleepless ... Read more
Bacon & Egg Supreme Roll
21 April 2019Menu
The Bacon and Egg Supreme Roll is domed and covered with sesame and needs squashing with the palm before being tackled. The Supreme has double of everything – the soft oozy fried eggs and double crusty lashes of bacon – peep beyond the roll’s edge, begging to be nibbled! Whilst inside – house made Aioli, ... Read more
Bacon & Egg Roll
21 April 2019Menu
The English love a bacon sarnie (you know what I mean!) but here in Australia we like the added protein of an egg or two to start the day. The bacon and egg roll has a particular allure the morning after a big night out! Ours includes a toasted bread roll with the ability to ... Read more
Goldband Snapper
21 April 2019Blog
Goldband Snapper are deep water fish inhabiting tropical and sub-tropical waters. They are schooling fish and live in areas of hard, rocky and uneven sea floor and steep drop-offs. They prefer deeper waters and can be found in depths of 40-250m. They can grow to 90 cm and weigh in excess of 8 kg and ... Read more
21 April 2019Blog
Flake is a term used in Australia to indicate the flesh of any of several species of small shark, particularly the gummy shark. The term probably arose in the late 1920s when the large-scale commercial shark fishery off the coast of Victoria was established. The name flake is commonly used as a name for any type of shark ... Read more
21 April 2019Blog
With the name Basa, one might think it’s related to bass; and like bass, it is a freshwater fish, but it’s not related to that species. It is a type of catfish and its Latin name is Pangasius Bocourti. Basa, also known as Dory, Swai and a few other names, is native to Southeast Asia. ... Read more
Barramundi – also known as PASSION FISH
20 April 2019Blog
A significant number of commonly used Australian English words have been borrowed from Aboriginal languages and dialects. Barramundi are usually found in tropical waters. Around the globe, they’re also known as Asian sea bass or giant perch. ‘Barramundi’ comes from the Gangulu language group in Central Queensland and means ‘Large scale river fish’ and in ... Read more